Man – Social Animal or just Animal? Part 1


Even as I use the word ‘Man’ as an irony, what I really mean is the whole humanity not excluding anyone or anybody for they belong to some religion, caste, gender, age, color or ability.

I once fell in argument with one of my friends after I saw some rather depressing news about killings, a rather massacre which I shouldn’t name here. The prolonged discussion came to its halt with him saying after all they are animals, we ourselves are animals, all of us. The words immediately took me to my childhood, schooldays where I could remember how humans can be animals. I recall reading and memorizing it for exams ‘Man is a social animal’ didn’t ever really think Why is man called as a social animal?

Aristotle once said “He who lives without society is either a Beast or God”. Thus, man is by nature a social animal. He is born in society lives in society and dies in society. The real question here is, then how come in this ‘real’ society some people turnout to be beasts or ‘Gods’. Mercenaries kill villages for religion, houses burn in riots where people holding swords and stone do it shouting the name of Allah and Ram and what not! The so called society breaks into parts uncountable, people forget there vows for their country, their men and actually start defining who there ‘people’ are.

Killing, it becomes so easy that humans sometimes don’t even think before hunting their own race down. Social Animals rarely kill each other, and even if they do out of all animals are they called civilized? We call ourselves civilized with civic sense, and senses go numb because we stick with some thoughts some nonsense we make out sense in…

To  be continued…