How to – Balance your Social Media and not suck at it


Social Media was developed to bring people closer and build dialogues. But slowly it’s becoming a profession, and an obligation. The intent of normal conversations is changing and everybody is looking to be an influencer. In this race, people are missing their natural dialogues, which eventually makes them boring/monotonous. Tell me, haven’t you seen tonnes of quotes appearing from one of your friend not once but multiple times a day? It sometimes in fact becomes amusing to see such people become a wannabe rather than an influencer.

The following points will help you bring a balance to your social media, but yet again remember, it’s all about conversations.

Don’t be a Preacher
You may be good at your profession but remember, people go to the preacher only once in a while; people do not spend time with someone who is not approachable, friendly and has a boring serious tone all the time. Bring colours to your posts, keep calm, and have a mix of tone in your talks.

Listen to the People who are relevant to you
Of all the Social Media channels, especially twitter is built to listen to the people you want, and the 140 character limit makes it easy to consume a greater collection of content. Do not hesitate to follow the people of your domain or people who think can post good content, use Twitter Lists to maintain your favourite experts/friends/personalities, retweet the posts you like and when feels like appreciating, express it.

Take a look back, at least once a while
At least once a week take time to analyse yourself online, look for what people are saying about you, what all have you posted. There are many benchmark and analytics solutions available such as KLOUT and TWENTYFEET. Use them to filter inactive and irrelevant people on your social media network and acknowledge the ones who are contributors to your knowledge.